
Debate Info

Ironic Horrifying
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Ironic (1)
 Horrifying (2)

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BurritoLunch(6566) pic

Trump Stands For Everything The US Has Ever Fought Against

Dishonesty, corruption, megalomania, dictatorship, racism, going after the press, narcissism, sexual assault and murder. The list is extremely extensive.

Didn't the US oppose all that stuff 80 years ago when they fought the German fascists?

What changed, fellas?


Side Score: 2


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1 point

The US was never against those things, they only fought the Nazis to prevent them from dominating the planet and because they were attacking their allies.

Side: Horrifying
1 point

The US was never against those things

Yes it was. Are you kidding me? The very first president is known for saying, "I cannot tell a lie". Compare that to the full blown liar in charge today.

Side: Ironic