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 Under what conditions should somebody be executed? (4)

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TERMINATOR(6781) pic

Under what conditions should somebody be executed?

'Never' is not an option.

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They can be executed from... sometimes murder(a little odvious), maybe some kind of disasterous destruction, assainating the leader of a country... I don't know. I'm just trying to help.

Side: ASAP
1 point

Under no conditions. I am opposed to capital punishment.

It would be interesting to see the pro-life crowd extend their concern for life into opposition to capital punishment, war and the killing of animals.

Side: ASAP
Sulith(508) Disputed
1 point

Wait so why are you against letting rapist/murderers/pyschomaniacs being killed?

Side: ASAP

Under no conditions, should somebody be executed. Never is an option. It is unfair and unjust.

Killing is unequivocally wrong and immoral, and even when the government deems necessary for someone to be executed. There are some terrible and unforgivable crimes, but nobody legally has the right to execute.

If lawlessness would ever come about, then yes, but until then, no.

Side: ASAP