
Debate Info

Save the child Save the people in the train
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Save the child (3)
 Save the people in the train (1)

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ezekiel_roma(526) pic

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Unfortunate Scenario

There is this unfortunate scenarion where a bridge operator would have to choose who to save. One is his son who got stuck in the bridge. then another is the train full of people. Some are good and some are bad people in the train. 

If he saves his child he would not let the bridge go down and the people will crash into the river and die. If he saves the people in the train, his son would have to be crushed by the bridge. Based on the following scenario, who would you choose to save?

Here is the link to the video:

Please include an explanation on why that is your choice.

Save the child

Side Score: 7
Winning Side!

Save the people in the train

Side Score: 2
3 points

Well... these scenarios are very.. cough I don't know.

Any-who, I would save the child. Sure that means more people die, but they lived their life. Children are young and have so much they could do in the future. Besides, if I were the father, I don't know how I could go on knowing I practically killed my own child.

Side: Save the child

yes me too. I will choose the child. That would at least lessen the evil people in the world. But it would still be a difficult choice for me since killing people is something I wouldn't do unless it is necessary.

Side: Save the child
1 point

Save the kid who cares about the other people i dont even know them i rather save my kid than some strangers.Duh.

Side: Save the child
2 points


Save the people. Why would you choose one child over an entire train full of people? Some may be good or bad, but I am assuming there is more good in an entire train fulk of people than one child.

EDIT: I didn't read properly. I did not know it was his child. In that case, I can't say I would blame him for saving his child. I still think saving the people is the better option, but I, and many others, would understand.

Side: Save the people in the train
ezekiel_roma(526) Clarified
1 point

Well based on the video he saved the people. I believe it is assumed in the video that there are more bad people.

Side: Save the child
FreeWill(118) Clarified
1 point

There were more bad people, but also more good people, at least that's what logic tells me.

All the same, that man is going to go through an incredibly hard time and I hope he recovers at least partially.

Side: Save the child