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 Use Retarded People to Make fun of Retards (2)

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ThePyg(6738) pic

Use Retarded People to Make fun of Retards

I haven't watched Family Guy in a long time because it stopped being funny years ago (Seth McFarlane doesn't know how to write new, witty material).  But I heard about this Sarah Palin issue, and I decided to read on it (because both Palin and Family Guy are stupid, in general).

So here's the issue.  Family Guy made fun of how Palin's son was retarded (had down syndrome).  So, like most parents, she got pissed that they made fun of her son on air.  Now, as a politician she should expect shit like that (especially since she's Conservative, no one's on your side), but she decided to make a statement on how it's cruel and not funny. 

Well, Family Guy isn't funny, so I'll give her that.  And sure, the joke was cruel because most parents don't like their children being made fun on TV (especially about being retarded).  But, i like cruel jokes and this isn't the first time Family Guy has made fun of retards.  I, myself, would make fun of Palin's kids if I had the opportunity (as long as it were actually funny and not lame like Family Guy's version) because I couldn't give two shits about her feelings.

But here's the kicker.  In order to get away with making fun of a retard, they actually used an actress with down syndrom to play Ellen (the character with down syndrome in the show).  LOL, because retarded people don't truly know how easy it is to use them.  She thinks she's independent, and Seth McFarlane is using that (and having her pimping parents agree to it).  But it's okay, money is involved and I said, I like to make fun of retards.  I just wish McFarlane wasn't such a pussy and go back to how he used to make fun of retarded people (with extremely cruel, but funny jokes).  I guess PC finally took over the fag.

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The only Cruel Joke is I actually read all you posted. Wow real funny, jokes on me.

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well i have to admit sometimes at school i make fun of retards because like pretend if they say something about me and then i could just say man you are the dumbest person in this school.Or maybe your still writing your abc's but it fun making fun of retards!