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 Verses that all Christians Fear. 4. (Murder) (13)

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Facadeon(508) pic

Verses that all Christians Fear. 4. (Murder)

Kill People for Working on the Sabbath (Exodus 31:12-15 NLT)
Kill Brats (2 Kings 2:23-24 NAB)
God Kills the Curious (1Samuel 6:19-20 ASV)
Killed by a Lion (1 Kings 20:35-36 NLT)
Killing the Good Samaritan (2 Samuel 6:3-7 NAB)
Kill Sons of Sinners (Isaiah 14:21 NAB)
God Will Kill Children (Hosea 9:11-16 NLT)
Kill Men, Women, and Children (Ezekiel 9:5-7 NLT)
God Kills all the First Born of Egypt (Exodus 12:29-30 NLT)
Kill Old Men and Young Women (Jeremiah 51:20-26) (Note that after God promises the Israelites a victory against Babylon, the Israelites actually get their butts kicked by them in the next chapter. So much for an all-knowing and all-powerful God.)
God Will Kill the Children of Sinners (Leviticus 26:21-22 NLT)
More Rape and Baby Killing (Isaiah 13:15-18 NLT)

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2 points

You're just like the rest of the "Bible contradicts christianity" believing atheists. You take the scriptures completly out of context and most of them only apply to the Jews anyway.

so it is Old Testament


1 point

I really don't know, I made that assumption from your statement.

Facadeon(508) Disputed
1 point

Matthew 5:18 I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

Axmeister(4311) Disputed
1 point

Do you even understand that?

Pardon me if I am mistaken, but I think that is the Old Testament............................

Facadeon(508) Disputed
1 point

Matthew 5:18 I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

Do you mean he is lying?

1 point

Is Matthew a New Testament chapter? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

1 point

As for your inheritance argument you put before, the woman is actually luckier because the money is her's only but part of the man's money goes to the house, and the children, that is why he gets twice as much.

These verses are terrifying and will scare anyone regardless if that person is a Christian or not.