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 Wanna hear a funny story? (11)

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warrior(1854) pic

Wanna hear a funny story?

So last night I stopped at a truk stop to use the rest room. So I sat there in the stall reading the comments. you know the carvings on the door. And I notesed a rather strange deeply carved pattern. upon closer examination I noticed it wasn't a pattern at all it was a defacing of a more lightly carved swatztica. Above which Was carved "go back to Africa filthy beaners." .....outstanding.

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3 points

im still waiting for the funny story

2 points

CreateDebate is a place for debates, not sharing stories. We have Facebook and Twitter for that

1 point

I thought a beaner was a latino immigrant, not a black one.

1 point

Correct that's why this is funny. It seems nazis are so stupid they can't keep the stereotypes streaght.

1 point

I know a funnier story it involves building a giant ark out of wood getting 2 kinds of each animal then surviving 40 days without the carnivores eating the other animals.

1 point

This is not a debate or even close! Debates do not equal to stories.

0 points

Exactly yet Christians insist on posting bible verses.

warrior(1854) Disputed
1 point

What bible verse. I'm highlighting the stupidity of racists and posting it for your enjoyment.

Here is a really funny story: Once upon a time someone thought Keynesian economics worked.

Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

I do. :)