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Yes it was No it wasnt
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Yes it was (9)
 No it wasnt (2)

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Bartlet(11) pic

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* Was global warming created to destroy America's free enterprise & economic sta

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Jerry Falwall believes this to be true.... what do you think? I'll take the position of Yes it was.

Yes it was

Side Score: 10
Winning Side!

No it wasnt

Side Score: 2
2 points

The annual cost of emission permits to energy users will be at least $100 billion by 2020 and could exceed $300 billion by 2030 (in inflation-adjusted 2006 dollars).

Supporting Evidence: Will it really save us or cost us more? (
Side: Yes it was
1 point

Thats so true. If this keeps going on, our economy become worse than it is now!

Side: Yes it was
1 point

Did you hear how the WWF (World Wide Fund) wants us to turn off our "non essential" lights for 1 hour during Earth Hour next month? Get real... we are constantly trying to save our $ right now with the astronomical costs of electricity. This makes me and my family want to turn them all on just for that hour.

Side: Yes it was
1 point

So these days, are there any legitimate dissenters on global warming -- or is it global cooling? Consider this, from a 1975 Newsweek article headlined: "The Cooling World": The central fact is that after three quarters of a century of extraordinarily mild conditions, the earth's climate seems to be cooling down....(Climatologists) are almost unanimous in the view that the (global cooling) trend will reduce agricultural productivity for the rest of the century.

-- By 1988, Newsweek was declaring consensus -- near unanimity -- among climatologists that the real culprit was not global cooling but global warming. A 2008 Newsweek article headlined "Global Warming Is a Cause of this Year's Extreme Weather" went over the edge. It oozed with sarcasm about the childish, dissenting notion of global cooling.

-- Despite bogus claims -- by Gore and other messianic warmists -- that polar bears are diminishing to the point of endangerment, their numbers continue to increase and they continue to adapt. Never mind. Your federal government has worked to designate 200,541 square miles off Alaska's coast as crucial habitat for polar bears alone. So the area's energy potential cannot be tapped.

Side: Yes it was
1 point

Global warming is complete BS!!! The government is doing this to use the money for there own use. People should know that even during the summer of this year in Illinois, for parts of the summer it was real cold. Global warming is a hoax. Global cooling is whats really happening in the world.

Supporting Evidence: Check this site out for more info on global warming being a hoax. (
Side: Yes it was
1 point

exactly.... it wasnt that long ago when all the scientists were saying that we were in a global cooling... what happened to that? Not enough money pushed to them thats what. so they changed their mind

Side: Yes it was
1 point

I was listening one day to Rush Limbaugh and he was discussing this very same thing and how Obama lies. Listen to the audio clip. Just great.

Supporting Evidence: Rush Limbaugh agrees too (
Side: Yes it was
1 point

I listened to this... this was great. Thanks for uploading the information

Side: Yes it was
1 point

There's too much scientific evidence out there that global warming is a natural phenomenon. The issue at hand is the idea of climate change. When we talk in terms of climate change rather than global warming then I believe it is impossible for this to be a contrived idea. It's a reality - the debate is whether we as humans have been the culprits in accelerating climate change through the societal choices we have made throughout the years.

Side: No it wasnt
Bartlet(11) Disputed
1 point

I believe the terms global warming and global change are the same. We have done way too much in the past to our planet that should have destroyed us but hasnt. It isnt our carbon dioxide or green house gasses that pose a threat to our planet. Here's another link with this same topic that helps my thoughts.

Supporting Evidence: EPA (
Side: Yes it was
1 point

It's the Illuminati I tell you! Or possibly the mole people! It's all a grand conspiracy to destroy America! And all the world's scientists are in on it!

Must we really continue to endure this nonsense? I mean, really?

Side: No it wasnt