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Debate Score:10
Total Votes:12
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Rogue Rascal(9480) pic

Was the FBI involved in the terrorist attack in Boston?


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 9
0 points

I'm not sure; but there were heavily armed Kraft mercenaries stationed at the finish line with bomb detection dogs. That was odd. And yet these bomb detection dogs failed to find anything? And why were there Kraft guys so heavily armed in the first place?

Side: Yes
Casimir(1) Disputed
2 points

They are not trained to detect gun powder .

Side: No

Of course not. This is just another crazy conspiracy theory.

Side: No
2 points

Of course not. This is ridiculous and shouldn't even be a debate, it is so one sided. The Tsarnaev brothers even admitted to it and one of them is in custody. They are from Chechnya/Russia and had radical/Islamic/terrorist views. The FBI played no role and would have no reason to. I don't want to hear any radical idiots say this was staged.

Side: No
1 point

Yes, Obama planned the attack directly, over sought by CIA and collectives involved in national media such as CNN National Security Analyst Peter Bergman. The explosions were meant to be blamed on right wing extremist groups but was in turn foiled by national radio host Alex Jones when fans visiting the Boston Marathon sent pictures of the two suspicious individuals carrying two identical black back packs to the one found at the site of the explosion.

Pictures on google images, and also may still be up at

Side: No