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Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Yes. (2)
 No. (1)

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Redeemed(1428) pic

Was the trial of Jesus of Nazareth, illegal?


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 1
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There isn't enough evidence to conclude that Jesus Christ was a real man and not just a myth, let alone that he had a trial, so to be honest I find your question to be so hypothetical that it is pointless to even contemplate. Should cheese come in wrappers? What would it be like if the world suddenly grew hair? Those sorts of questions. I -- unlike you -- believe that I have a limited timespan of existence (at least in a state which is recognisable as me), and I would rather not spend it contemplating such wanton buffoonery. Good day sir.

Side: No.
Redeemed(1428) Disputed
1 point

You have the right, to your opinion, but there is nothing you can ever do, to change my mind.

Side: Yes.
Honkins(29) Disputed
1 point

Give your opinion on whether it was illegal or not based on the story in the Bible.

Side: Yes.