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 We don't enjoy having our own irresponsible choices or sins spoken of by Pastors, etc. (1)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

We don't enjoy having our own irresponsible choices or sins spoken of by Pastors, etc.

Most of us have been there, sitting in Church, listening to a good sermon concerning people and life. We all enjoy the sermon until it hits too close to home and touches on some personal sin that we may have battled with.
That enjoyable sermon is now speaking to things in our own lives that we are not proud of and would rather not think about.
We squirm in our seats and hope that he quickly moves on to another topic.

You all know what I'm talking about. It's hard to come face to face with our own shortcomings, but for any honest Christian, he is capabe of admitting his sins rather then excusing his sin. He will make an effort to improve himself and refrain from what he knows in his heart to be wrong.

When I read the responses from the many anti Christian bigots on this site, I see people sitting in those pews, listening to our debates and arguments (kind of like Sermons),  squirming at their keyboard, no longer enjoying the debate because all of a sudden it hits home. All of  sudden the debate is speaking to your sin! That is when the insecure judgemental anger explodes.

You see, one of the huge differences between Christians and non believers, is the ability of Christians to admit our sins and improve on those sins, verses the non believer's who spend their lives trying to condone and sanction their sins. In the non believer's world, there is no such thing as sin. This is why our culture is falling apart.

When we speak about how the Democrat Party supports No Restriction abortions of viable babies for any reason up to birth, one would think that Democrats would admit how extreme their Party has become, and work to change this extremism by refusing to vote for those who keep the inhumanity legal. They refuse to speak out and spend all their times trying to excuse the inexcusable. They are too insecure and deceptive to admit their sins, and this is what has become of our new political correct no fault culture.

But you see, most non Christians have rejected God's wisdom when it comes to life and sin. They have given themselves over to a humanistic no fault anything goes mentality whose value system shifts with the times. What was once common sense inhumanity is now called "Choice".

What was once the obvious biological union between a man and woman, has become this fixation on a meriad of unnatural sexual orientations, whether gender neutral, Transgender, Transsexual, Homosexual, bisexual, Pedophilia, Necrophilia, etc. etc. etc.
To most non believers, many of these unnatural orientations have become something to sanction as natural and normal because you are too afraid of being labeled phobic for disagreeing. Big Brother is watching don't you know.

The next time you listen to the intolerance from these anti Christians bigots ( who hardy ever create a debate against Islam or Muslims), understand why they are so angry against Christians. The Christian faith makes them squirm when shining a light on their sins or inhumanity.
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Ask yourselves why Christians are the ones having the character to speak to sin and our own shortcomings.

Ask yourselves why non believers lack the integrity to admit their sins rather than so often excusing their sins.
