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 What Are Some Ways To Promote Createdebate? (7)

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IchthysSaves(621) pic

What Are Some Ways To Promote Createdebate?

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1 point

Flaming dildos on the front lawn? I don't know... that was Jungelson's idea. I guess I could wear one of my CreateDebate tee-shirts and walk around downtown...

3 points

I could wear one of my CreateDebate tee-shirts and walk around downtown...

Lol. I took that same idea, and wore one of the Createdebate shirts to a convention (Dallas Comic con: Fan Days), occasionally school, and just around, if I feel like. All that's required is to wear the shirt, and it promotes the site.

Lol. I took that same idea, and wore one of the Createdebate shirts to a convention (Dallas Comic con: Fan Days), occasionally school, and just around, if I feel like. All that's required is to wear the shirt, and it promotes the site.

Did it work?

I guess I could wear one of my CreateDebate tee-shirts and walk around downtown...


Maybe advertise it on forums?

"Hey! Go to! ;)"

"But, why?"

" debate and socialize!"

"Sounds lame."