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Debate Score:13
Total Votes:20
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Tugman(749) pic

What college has the best football team?

What college has the best football team?

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2 points

OU is without a doubt. They have the winningest program in the modern era(since WW2) and have the most consecutive wins with 46. They have had more concenous all americans then any other college. 5 heisman winners. 7 National Championships. Many Players inducted into the College Football Player Hall Of Fame. Coaches inducted to the College Football Coaches Hall of Fame. Boomer Sooner.

Side: Oklahoma Sooners
1 point

This might sound conceded, but the triple option offense of Georgia tech's new head coach Paul Johnson kicks major butt. Two years ago, I would have said someone like USC or FLorida. Let's see next year.

Side: Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
1 point

Penn State. However I think football is more entertainment than sport... not just for the people watching, I think it fun to play.

Side: penn state
deadman88(-7) Banned
-1 points

GO COUGS!!! Washington State may not have a good record in past few seasons but that doesn't matter, theyre gonna get better.

Side: WSU Cougars
Tugman(749) Disputed
3 points

Notre Dame is going to play Washington State this coming season and Notre Dame is going to blow out the cougars.

Side: Notre Dame