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What constitutes as art to YOU?

Specificaly you. Be it the definition, be it an emotion, a specific example, anything. What is your opinion on Art?

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1 point

My opinion of art is something that is created with the purpose to entertain, sway emotion, inspire, etc. Now a few things can do this such as a computer or a movie, but I would call those works of art. Primarily works of art, for me, revolve around paintings, writings, and music.

"Art is not a thing; it is a way." ~ Elbert Hubbard

Any action in which one puts their heart and soul into is art. The excavator sculpts the earth making art. The mechanic repairs an engine making the beautiful sound up pistons going up and down. The plumber runs the water lines with precision make art.

Everything is art, just somethings are not great art.

Art is in the mind of the beholder. I'm a sticker to beauty and I love art where a beautiful landscape is painted.,