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 What country is the most powerful in the world now? (5)

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ussen(19) pic

What country is the most powerful in the world now?

Chose one of the best countries and write down the reasons which can make it the leader of the world.

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1 point

It is almost even between the US and China. China has manpower which is very important, China also has cyber weapons and controls debt. However, America has the US dollar and the US military.

1 point

China, we're their bitches now. They own us pretty much. We're going down the toilet.

1 point

What about USA?????????????????????????????????????????????

Can China oppose USA????????????????????????????????????????

id say israel since they control the usa and most of the major corporations. china has to be pretty powerful too, but i think they choose to fly under the radar.

ussen(19) Clarified
1 point

Israel???Did you mean religion? Can you say that Jews controls the situation in the world now?

Definetely the USA and China. They are probrably just equally powerful but America may just tip the scale slightly. Hmmm lets see maybe Britain may be good. Not really France or Germany now a days. Ummmm North Korea may be a threat but I don't think they are nearly as threating as the US or China. I love Japan but I don't think they are that powerful. Russia may have some power left but ehhh not so much. I know when I went to China recently they viewed America as a huge threat and as a supreme super power. So its between China, The US, and maybe Britain.