
Debate Info

Continental Analytical
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Continental (2)
 Analytical (2)

Debate Creator

IzetFazlinov(177) pic

Do you prefer analytical or continental philosophy and why?


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 3

Analytical philosophy sometimes looks like drowning in the shallow water. It believes in truth and oversimplifies problems. It is kind of servant to the science with little sense for art

Side: Continental
1 point

Bah, they're both too modern. You want real philosophy, go talk to some of the original Greek philosophers, like Plato, Aristotle and Socrates! Much more interesting themes about morality, the workings of the mind and religious affairs.

Side: Continental
2 points

I only know this kind of philosophy.

Side: Analytical

Continental philosophy is too hermetic. I've tried reading Baudrillard, I bet that even he doesn't really know what's he writing about.

Side: Analytical