
Debate Info

Great Leader Bad Leader
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:15
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 Great Leader (4)
 Bad Leader (5)

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Tugman(749) pic

What do you think of Hugo Chavez?

Great Leader

Side Score: 6

Bad Leader

Side Score: 8
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3 points

Chavez is nothing more than a populist leader that is too full of himself and knows how to manipulate the local media. His so called socialism has not produced any benefits to the Venezuelan population... all he wants to do is stay in power.. nothing else.

Side: Bad Leader
2 points

Chavez is ruining Latin America. He is a facist that threatens democracy as well as the sovergin nations that are Venzuela's neighbors.

Side: Bad Leader
ledhead818(638) Disputed
2 points

People need to stop throwing loaded words like fascist around so carelessly. Nice try but he is at the opposite end of the political spectrum. He is somewhere between social democrat and socialist.

Side: Great Leader
Tugman(749) Disputed
1 point

He is a fascist whether you like it or not. He terrorizes his political enemies. He is essentially a Latino Mussolini.

Side: Bad Leader
vanillasmile(57) Disputed
1 point

Whatever ideological category you use, it doesn't change the fact that he is a bad leader for his country. Diminishing personal freedoms for his people can not in anyway classify him as a benevolent leader.

What are your claims that he is a great leader?

Side: Bad Leader