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 What funny thing do you note about the terrorists? (6)

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alstars(739) pic

What funny thing do you note about the terrorists?

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1 point

They become the main aim of the present day directors who picture them as the LOSERS of this universe!

Side: movies
1 point

They are so poor and cowards that they hide in the bushes like dogs and then attack as if they are wolfs!

But we know that they are scavengers, I mean foxes!

They can find some job instead of firing a stupid old gun at an innocent!

Side: scavengers
1 point

I notice that they're all muslim these days.

Used to be all Irish people are terrorists.

Side: scavengers
1 point

I guess you are right!

In an Indian Airport, a Muslim was stopped and questioned if he had any relation with the LeT

This status of the Muslims is very very pathetic!

Side: MAN pathetic
1 point

After all they are very blind guys, you know that!They target leaders, But kill Innocents!

They Believe in Nothing!

They get nothing!

They are chased like dogs by the dogs!

They are...


If there was a Nobel Peace-breaker Prize, It should go to one of these comedians!

Side: MAN pathetic

They ofte blow themselves up before they reach their targets.

Side: MAN pathetic