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 What is better WII or PS3 (8)

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dav0001(11) pic

What is better WII or PS3

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dav0001(11) Banned
3 points

A wii is more for people who like getting fit (indoors) and likes to have more fun with friends and family. A ps3 is more for a person who likes to play by them selves and likes shooter/war games. A wii is for more active people but a ps3 is definitely better because there is also games for kids.

juice22(23) Banned
3 points


1 point

well, first of all, most ps3 games are multiplayer, so i don't get how it's more for single players....

Wii is better for families, but PS3 is more for the average teenage boy who likes violent shoot em up games.

then there's little big planet which blows animal crossing away...

Side: PS3
1 point

These are two completely different systems designed for two different category of gamer. The PS3 is designed to be a graphix powerhouse for the more serious gamer. The Wii, with it's innovative controller style, is more the casual gamer.

Side: PS3
1 point

PS3 is better I mean the idea of the WII is cool but it just doesn't have the graphics or the number of games that the PS3 has.

Side: PS3
1 point

PS3 is better I mean the idea of the WII is cool but it just doesn't have the graphics or the number of games that the PS3 has.

Side: PS3
1 point

I like the PlayStation 3's controls better. I also love Playstation Home, its a great communication tool and a good time-killer.

Side: PS3
1 point

these two are both awesome and i have both.

wii is good for playing with friends and having fun.

PS3 is good for hardcore gaming and good quality

Side: Wii and PS3