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 What is more popular than the Tea Party? Socialism! (3)

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hmicciche(660) pic

What is more popular than the Tea Party? Socialism!

Less that a third of Americans view the Tea Party movement favorably. [1]

But more than one-third of Americans (36%) have a positive image of socialism. [2] Is it all those damn radicals? Well no. 39% of moderates say their image of socialism is positive

There you have it. More American's choose Socialism over freedom.


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1 point

Okay, I have to ask: What the hell is 'Tea Party.' Before you go off on a windstorm calling me 'naive' etc., remember that I am in Canada and concern myself little for Americanisms.

I have a positive view on socialism. However, I believe it impracticable and thus stick with whatever I feel like being this week.

hmicciche(660) Disputed
1 point

"Okay, I have to ask: What the hell is 'Tea Party.'"

Well, that's helping to come to a debate knowing nothing and not bothering trying to find out.

A tip. Google is your friend.

1 point

"Exactly how Americans define "socialism" or what exactly they think of when they hear the word is not known. The research simply measures Americans' reactions when a survey interviewer reads the word to them -- an exercise that helps shed light on connotations associated with this frequently used term."

This right here makes me question the results of this poll. Though while 39% of moderates said they had a positive view of socialism it is also important to note that 20% of Conservatives also had a positive view of socialism. A few percentages I could understand but 20% is just too high to be normal and since the asker never defined socialism it is possible that the poll taker simply enjoys socialism to an extent but also enjoys capitalism.