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 What is the appropriate mix of capitalism and socialism? (144)

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madicedemon(23) pic

What is the appropriate mix of capitalism and socialism?

In our society, both pure capitalism and pure socialism are doomed to fail. What is the apropriate mix? The U.S. is obviously more capitalist then most of it's european allies, and speaking from the point of view of a middle class American, I believe we need more of a social safety net, so that individuals may have less anxiety about the future and where fate takes them.

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2 points

Get rid of Capitalism. That is what has destroyed our society. Socialism is an extension of Democracy into the workplace.

1 point

Hell yes! I agree! :)

1 point

Your vote should have no power over my labor or work. My body, labor and production are should be owned by me, not by the vote.

casper3912(1556) Disputed
4 points

there is no such thing as "your work" there is only "our work". Without recognizing that, "your work" will always be stolen by a small group, which often does no work at all.

2 points

Opportunity should be shared, but rewards for accomplishment should match that accomplishment.

Part of the problem is the mentality many have that they earned everything. They did it all themselves. This is both selfish and incorrect. Anyone who achieves anything can only do so thanks to that society which supported them, to turn around and then not support that society which let you become successful is near criminal in my mind.

The continuation of this mentality, accelerated through the 80s and what you see in the far right wing and libertarian wing, is a decrease in opportunity in favor of more influence for those with the most.

1 point

How can opportunity shared? When is my turn to swing at a 90 mph fast ball in the MLB? It is clearly earned from previous work.

Society can only function as individuals pursing selfish interests, ambition is not collective, it is clearly individualistic. Nobody lets you become successful, that is ridiculous. Selfish motives built society's luxuries, it isn't magic. No central planning involved. Other people's self motives builds opportunities for others. For example, Tiger Woods self interests in winning and popularity helped all other pro golfers financially and professionally by investment into clubs, balls, courses and equipment.

Only free market capitalism detracts from influence and political pull. Been over this before.

iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

How can opportunity shared? When is my turn to swing at a 90 mph fast ball in the MLB? It is clearly earned from previous work.

And people should have equal opportunity to earn this from previous work if they so choose.

Society can only function as individuals pursing selfish interests, ambition is not collective, it is clearly individualistic.

That's not only very pessimistic, but also incorrect. People are perfectly capable of pursuing things collectively and feeling fulfilled within that pursuit.

Nobody lets you become successful, that is ridiculous.

No, it's factually correct. Every successful person has to use tools put in place by others. That's a fact.

Selfish motives built society's luxuries, it isn't magic. No central planning involved.

Again, pessimistic and completely false. Selflessness has been the cornerstone of many things which have advanced society, from infrastructure to medicine to setting up governments with a right to vote.

Other people's self motives builds opportunities for others.

Sometimes it does, sometimes it does not. Either way it has no bearing on my general point.

For example, Tiger Woods self interests in winning and popularity helped all other pro golfers financially and professionally by investment into clubs, balls, courses and equipment.

Yes, that is an example. Are you applying an example to a whole? That is a fallacy, and clearly so in this case.

Only free market capitalism detracts from influence and political pull. Been over this before.

And you are still incorrect. Capitalism has nothing to do with political pull unless it is allowed to, and ideally it should be separate in order to balance power of means against power of population.

Why if you live in a democracy where people decide, for the most part, their lot in life would you be so willing to cede your independence back over to the few with the most wealth?

Make no mistake, that is what happens when capitalism has too much sway over governance. It is a way of wrestling the power away from the people and giving it back to the few with the most.

1 point

Get rid of the socialism part, and keep capitalism. Capitalism isn't a broken system doomed to fail.

madicedemon(23) Disputed
4 points

That is where you are wrong, pure capitalism only works in favor of the elite, and not the many. This is a failure in my eyes.

Scout143(652) Disputed
1 point

How is it that Capatalism only favors the elite, and not everyone?

Scout143(652) Disputed
1 point

The theory is written by Karl Marx, who disbelieved in Capatalism in the first place, so it is natural he would write about how it will be destroyed. It is like how a republican would write how the democrats are a party doomed to fail, because he dislikes the democrats. It is an opinionated theory. And so far, Capatalism has greatly benefited the human race, so why get rid of it?

Countries like Sweden have found out that increasing the tax percentage over 50% reduced the amount of revenue gained in taxes. Therefore a progressive tax rate capping at that level is the highest reasonable one.

Socialistic policies work relatively well with regard to healthcare, protection of the commons, infrastructure, planning land use, education, elections, protection of the commons, protecting consumers, welfare, maintaining non-profitable institutions such as universities and the prevention of social and environmental problems.

Capitalistic policies work well in the fields of maintaining discipline, marginalizing the public, instilling cultural hegemony, advertising, public spending, protecting institutions of power, instilling authority and misleading voters to vote against their own self-interest.

Kiddies who know nothing of how the world works would like to decrease the "capitalism" part in favor of more "socialism", but when it comes to those necessary functions, they are better taken care of by the capitalist. Socialism can't properly instill authority without extensive violence. The capitalist on the other hand gives you something nice to do for 8 hours a day and provides you with burgers and entertainment. Sure he ran off with the money, but it does sting less than being sent to a gulag.