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PrayerFails(11165) pic

What is the best smartphone?

Is it the



Or Something Else

Thinking About Purchasing ONE

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From what I can tell, Droid is the best smartphone.-----------

Side: Droid

Depends what you want from it. Mine (iphone) is alright if you only want the basic capabilities, and apps come ad-less, smooth to run, but for techies (brother), it's too restricted. [Meh, what would I know about Putty anyway?] Androids can be more mini computer than phone, which is cool too.

Side: Droid

I think iPhones suck bad, so it is either the Samsung Galaxy or Motorola Droid.

Side: Droid
1 point

Anything that runs Android trumps the iPhone simply by being open source. That and the prices are much better.

Side: Droid

That is no doubt. iPhone is far inferior to those of open source.

Side: Droid

In my opinion, the AT&T;GoPhone is the best smartphone because there is no contract and no hidden fees.

Side: Droid