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 What is the most useless/worst superhero? (10)

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Facadeon(508) pic

What is the most useless/worst superhero?

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2 points

You all think Aquaman is bad? Bitch please.

Try being Aqualad.

He's a genetically inferior retard baby of a widow, who made his living scrubbing barnacles off of the bottom of ships, before being "promoted" to the almighty rank of...

Aquaman's assistant.

Yea, it's that bad.

2 points

His name is Arm Fall Off Boy. Nuff said. .

1 point

That sounds even worse than Captain Defence. (AKA Captain America)

1 point

I think Aquaman is overrated and useless. He can't save cities full of people who need saving, because they are all on land. And what can his little fishies do for him? Sure he can command sharks and all, but they are but feeble creatures when faced against the real powers of super-villains and they are all restricted to water.

He's weak and crap!

Dremorius(847) Clarified
1 point

Say that to Cthulhu...

That is hilarious, whatever man is the classic case of most uselss superhero. This bets the question, how can then he be a superhero if he is lazy.

I'm not sure if you meant from a selective group of superheros... but I have to say Mermaid Man from Spongebob. He's just... lame.

1 point

Marvin the Superhero?

1 point

Captain America is the worst. He has no superpowers. He's less cooler than Batman. At least Batman has gadgets that make him awesome. He has a shield for a weapon. He's a man version of Steven Universe. IT'S A SHIELD. Is he Captain Defence because it seems like he falls under the category of useless and horrible.