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 What is the point in life? (5)

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Spadedude(227) pic

What is the point in life?

If God exists, then why did he create life. Was he bored? Does he exist?

If not, then what is the point of life? To achive one's goal, to live in happiness, to love... Or was life just a mistake?

UndecidedI'm not sure!


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1 point

I don't believe in God, so I think that life just happened. I don't think there was any reason for it, but in our own little existences, we can all make meaning out of what we do and how we live. Your goal in life? I guess you could narrow it down to "happiness and personal fulfillment", because that's what most people want. People want to be happy and fulfilled in whatever way they define it.

Side: No point but there is personal meaning
1 point

We are flesh machines. Our point is to spread, like bacteria, throughout the galaxy and maybe further if there is a further... unfortunately for us, we have reached a point in human history were we believe that we are important as individuals outside of a group, and we fight the group for our individuality. This is both romantic (hopelessly unrealistic/useless to everyone) and retroactive.

We are in a natural depression, caused by the progression and evolution of the human species, from a hostile environment to a controlled environment, and from a small group/individual perspective, to one that requires socialization and a hive mind and dictation. That is, large organizations that control most if not all of people's lives. Now, don't take this the wrong way, because people quickly jump to conclusions when anything like this is said. What I mean by "control" is more of a "direct" than "force".

The most important thing to a group is the individuals, and their well being, second is the group's goals. In space, learning to be an individual as well as a component to a group is essential to survival... and it is also essential to their ability to complete tasks efficiently. Also, dictation is required when dealing with so many components, and it's something that we need to just deal with, as individuals in situations that allow us to be successful.

Anyhow, to me, life is about propagation and control. Typical male answer I guess.

Side: Propagation
1 point

Every once in a while "GOD" creates a human that people dont understand. That person has a light that you cant see, so people start hating on that person. "GOD" makes people for a reason,no matter what that reason is.

Side: Propagation

As belived Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre, the big question was : what is the point of life if we are going to die in the end?

The question is very cynical but it has a point.

Here comes religion with the perfect solution.

But i don't belive in God.

So, i truly don't know what the point, goal of life is...

Side: No point but there is personal meaning

It is all up to the believer. An optimist will find plenty of purpose in life.

Side: No point but there is personal meaning