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 What language is the sexiest to you? ;) (11)

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Sitara(11075) pic

What language is the sexiest to you? ;)

I vote for Spanish of course. ;)

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1 point

In terms of when a woman speaks it I'd have to say German.

I'd say that Russian is sexiest language for a man to speak.

In terms of accent when woman is speaking English; Australian (I don't think this would count as a language but it's a fucking sexy accent).

When man is speaking English, I'd say Spanish accent.

1 point

Those are all very sexy. Russians sound so smart, man or woman. Aussies are sexy too. What do you think of British accents?

2 points

So would you like it if I said: "Priviet tovarishch Ismalia, kak vas zavoot?

Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

What type of British accent, there are at least 20.

1 point

For once I agree with you completely...

I also speak some Russian...

I think the English language spoken with an Irish or Australian accent is sexy.

Del1176(4975) Disputed
1 point

Irish accent is only hot on a chick, when guys speak it, it's fucking irritating.

For some reason Japanese really sounds so cute to me. I know a guy who speaks Japanese and its awesome.

1 point

One that i can understand. i mean, someone says stuff to me and i don't know what they said i will just be like, ok, no idea what you said, have a nice day.

1 point

Good old American English .