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 What online games to play? (3)

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xlucian(4) pic

What online games to play?

I want to play some online games, but I don't know which game is better to choose. If you have something in mind, recommend it.
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1 point

There are so many online games lately and I think you should check out each genre. But you should also try to play for example in as now there you can not only have fun but also make money. Maybe you like it and you will continue to play.

1 point

The game Happy wheels is very entertaining. This game becomes more enjoyable with repeated play. If you play this game just once, you will want to play it repeatedly. It has an intuitive and interactive user interface, so everyone can play.

1 point

Subway surfers, your hoverboards are like the Lamborghinis of the subway world. You're so good at making jumps, you should consider a career in the NBA!