
Debate Info

Hot Breakfast Cold Breakfast
Debate Score:28
Total Votes:29
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 Hot Breakfast (11)
 Cold Breakfast (3)

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KingOfPopForever(6903) pic

What's the best breakfast for you?

Hot Breakfast

Side Score: 21

Cold Breakfast

Side Score: 7
4 points

Hot breakfast, if you consider two cups of hot coffee breakfast. I don't eat food till afternoon.

Side: Hot Breakfast
3 points

Same here.

Coffee until lunch.

Wow, I have to type at least 50 characters every time I answer something ?

Side: Hot Breakfast
2 points

LoL! Yeah I think so or it doesn't post..took me a bit to figure that out!

Done with my coffee till tomorrow~ Cheers

Side: Hot Breakfast

I rather eat hot breakfast because it gets the brain working and active.

Side: Hot Breakfast
2 points

Bacon, scrambled eggs with cheese, bacon, hash browns with cheese and bacon.

Side: Hot Breakfast

Pussy, with a side of bacon, whole wheat toast buttered, home fries and o/e eggs.

Don't forget my fucking coffee LOL

Side: Hot Breakfast
2 points

I don't drink coffee, but I would eat like eggs or waffles.

Side: Hot Breakfast
1 point

If I'm going anywhere, I'll usually start off with oatmeal. But if I'm hanging around the house, I'll skip breakfast.

Side: Hot Breakfast
1 point

I love bacon and eggs. But cereal i also good. ok all food is delicious!

Side: Hot Breakfast
1 point

I don't care really, I have an equal chance of eating HONEY NUT CHEERIOS to eating BACON! I wish there was an "I don't care, food is food" option.

Side: Hot Breakfast
1 point

There is the saying ‘eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper’. So I think that breakfast should be hot and substantial. According to the article from that I've read recently, "breakfast should include protein and plenty of fiber; the combination will help satisfy your hunger and will keep you feeling full until lunch time. The protein can come from low-fat meat, eggs, nuts or dairy products".

Side: Hot Breakfast
3 points

I like hot breakfast but don't really have the time until the cereal and yogurt usually suffice

Side: Cold Breakfast
2 points

I putting cold because that's usually what I eat. But I only eat things that I can eat while on the go.

Side: Cold Breakfast
2 points

Cereal. Apparently I'm a cereal addict.............................

Side: Cold Breakfast