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Debate Score:7
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yuvia(7) pic

What's your opinion on the new name for The Academy of Irving ISD?

What do you think? Is it a good thing or a bad thing?Undecided

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2 points

The Academy of Irving ISD is a great name for the school I can't think of anyone that would want to change it come on Singley Academy that wouldn't sound professional at all I say just leave as it is.

1 point

Heck yea! Way to support Cassy! That is probably the best way to support the cause about changing the school's name. Everyone who goes to this school should answer to the other debate called "Should we change the The Academy of Irving ISD name?" That way we can show the School Council that we care about what they're doing to our schools name!

0 points

Honestly, I think Mr.Singley should be the one to make the choice. We should go by what he wants to do.

Cottonball(256) Disputed
2 points

Even though it has already been said that he doesn't want to go through with it, I disagree with that. Decisions this big should not be decided by one man and one man only. Thats completely unfair, regardless of his position/history.

Side: Leave the name alone
1 point

Heck yea! way to go on ur opinion dude! they should just leave the name of the school alone and the coucil should have never agreed to the change!

Side: Leave the name alone