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 What would be a good global treaty to save the plante? (1)

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ceballos(2) pic

What would be a good global treaty to save the plante?

In our lifestyle many things are ignored like the global warming or the polluting gases used by everybody; in order to start reflecting, all of you are invited to comment in the debate. what would be a good deal to save the enviroment.

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We are decades from knowing what sort of history it will turn out to be — a real turning point or a tiny squiggle on the way to catastrophe. The material prosperity and scientific advancement has been responsible for pollution. Cutting of forest and conversion of agricultural land into residential areas will be a bane to this advancement technological society.

Climate change represents an urgent and potentially irreversible threat to human society. 'Paris Agreement' has initiate a step to take action in this direction. It recognizes the responsibility of all countries, sub national authorities, civil society, the private sector, financial institutions and all other stake holders.

It calls on all countries to set firm goals for cutting carbon pollution and revisit those goals every five years with the intention of strengthening them as emerging science dictates and developing technology and economics allows. This agreement is turning point for a world transformation.