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 When you see a Downs Syndrome child in the Mall, do you cover your kid's eyes & ears? (2)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

When you see a Downs Syndrome child in the Mall, do you cover your kid's eyes & ears?

I'm asking all the Left wing people on this site who voted for Hillary or other Democrats who support no restriction abortions of viable late term special need's babies. Do you cover your child's eyes and ears when you walk past a special needs child?

You must because you support killing them for merely being diverse and different from your kids. You must so fear people being different, that you support testing for their diversity in the late term stages of life, and if they find out the baby is special, you support the right to kill them.

I have been asking this same question for months with only one person spewing his profanity and insults towards what he called "retarded" people. He at least had the honesty to show us his intolerant inhumanity.
I am going to keep asking this question until you phoney hypocrites have the character and integrity to answer. I won't hold my breath because you are as deceptive as they come.

Liberals have been piously preaching to the world how they are the tolerant openminded ones. They supposely love diversity when it comes to their political correct groups who vote for Democrats, but when it comes to the diversity of our special need's babies, these inhuman hypocrites look the other way as they support killing them for simply being different.

Since you lack the honesty to admit what you support, I can only conclude you are ashamed of who you are and what you support, but lack the moral character to change your ways. You know the inhumanity of the politicians you elect, yet you vote for them just the same.

Grow a moral spine and quit being such inhuman hypocrites piously preaching to Conservatives how they are not tolerant and inclusive of diversity.

Conservatives support the right of life of these special need's babies. Conservatives are the true tolerant openminded inclusive ones, and make Liberals look like blood thirsty animals.

If you lack the guts to address what you support, you are admitting what I say is true.
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2 points

When they show the special olympics on tv, do you quickly turn the channel so your children will not be exposed to these diverse children?

This must be why they have almost erradicated these special needs children from some European nations. This way they don't have to change the channel and hide their children from diversity.


1 point

Seriously, does anybody do that?

I've never even heard of anybody doing it.