
Debate Info

Dog Cat
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 Dog (7)

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kristine(71) pic

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Which animal do you like ?

Dog and cat are 2 animals are popular that people are feeding in every house.

- Dog is friendly and loyalty

- Cat is lovely gentleness.

In your opinion, which animal do you like and want to feed ???


Side Score: 8
Winning Side!


Side Score: 0
2 points

I would much prefer to own a dog. Dogs are more energetic and are willing to do much more playing. Cats sleep and sleep and ummm... oh yeah! They Sleep! Dogs can go on walks and play fetch. More practical purposes however are: Seeing eye dogs for the blind, therapy dogs, bomb sniffing dogs, and much more. Cats cannot do any of this.

Side: Dog
1 point

Me,too. I would much prefer to own a dog. Dogs are smart, they help us to watch the house, we play together and much more. I love the cute puppy ^^

Side: Dog

A cat is loving gentleness?

Try telling that to my cat, especially when she scratches my arm to shreds!

Side: Dog
1 point

I really really like a dog. i used to have a smart dog. His name is Bobby, he is so smart and lovely. All members in my family love him so much, but then someone was killed him.

I was sad and crying so much.

From now, i don't want to feed any dog because i am afraid that i will sad and cry if i lost my dog again.

Side: Dog
1 point

my cat acts as if it owns the place, my dogs on the other hand are lovable hug able logs of fur.

if my cat bites me it draws blood, if my dog bites me, it like being bitten by a oven mitt, cause dogs like to play, unlike cats.

Side: Dog

I used to be able to stick my head in my dog's mouth; he always waited for me to remove it.

Side: Dog
1 point

Dogs can be trained much easier and will do anything to protect there owners. They are loyal. But my cat only loves me when she wants outside, attention or food.

Side: Dog
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