
Debate Info

Harry Potter Twilight
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Harry Potter (3)

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animerocks(454) pic

Which book series do you think is a better read

Harry Potter

Side Score: 3


Side Score: 0
1 point

Definitely Harry Potter is by far the best. I have never read this series but i am sure that Stephanie Myer cannot compare to J.k Rowling. Twilight is very populer among adolescants, unfortunatley for me, because i am so tired of everyone at my school talking about it.

Side: Harry Potter
1 point

Well, i've read both series but i have to say Harry Potter is unbeatable

Although, i found twilight to be a really good series, harry potter is just such a bigger world.

When i read HP it'slike im a part of their world but in twilights case you do get a personal experience but nothing compared to harry potter.

Side: Harry Potter

Oh please, these two really aren't even comparable. Harry Potter was such a great read, I've read all the books at least six times, and I read the first three and a half Twilight books, and they weren't that good. Stephanie Meyer is not a very good author. Also, you know the pensieve that Dumbledore uses in the fifth book? Well that's a combination of the french verb 'penser', to think, and the word sieve, which is that thing you'd take down to the beach and sift out the sand, and just keep the big rocks. So a pensieve is a thought sifter. J.K. Rowling is a genius, and really knows the language. He has a way with words that no one else does. Absolutely stunning.

Side: Harry Potter
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