
Debate Info

actual songs the parodies
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 actual songs (2)
 the parodies (2)

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lope(143) pic

Which is better?

which do you like better?  the original song, or a parody of it (not including videos), which are sometimes really awesome.  or completely hilarious. 


actual songs

Side Score: 2

the parodies

Side Score: 2
1 point

If a song is worth making a cover of, it must be pretty good!

Side: actual songs

I prefer the actual song and I think most parodies are rip-offs.

Side: actual songs
1 point

Well, I don't like to call them parodies. More like covers :)

I really like the covers. Especially those on youtube. My favorites are Tyler Ward, Paradise Fears and Alex Goot. Incredible talents, they know how to make a crappy song, like boyfriend by Justin Bieber, sound amazingly good. I give them extreme credit for that :)

Here's the cover of boyfriend by Tyler Ward.

Side: the parodies
1 point

i hate justin beiber. but i like the covers people do of his songs, they sound much better. whenever boyfriend by justin beiber comes on the radio, i turn it off.

Side: the parodies