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 Which is more important? The environment or medical research? (3)

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elizy(117) pic

Which is more important? The environment or medical research?

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In a global sense, which is the only sense that should matter, the environment is much more important. The medical research we have today is sufficient, and though coming up with cures for diseases like cancer, autism, AIDS, etc is important, none of that will matter if our dear Mother Earth is diseased, soon to be dead and rotten.

1 point

I'm not sure if they can be considered separate entities as they seem rather linked to me. Global warming can lead to a host of new diseases (malaria and cancer for example) and so can pollution (unhealthy water or lack of food leading to malnutrition) We have great medicine now but new diseases are always sprouting up as bacteria finds new ways to get away from our constant use of antibiotics so it's an uphill battle that's directly or indirectly tied to the environment.

Medical research is more important because cancer and other diseases are taking away many lives.