
Debate Info

Ferrari Bugatti
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Ferrari (1)
 Bugatti (3)

Debate Creator

Orcagames(28) pic

Which is the best car

Just asking :3


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 3
1 point

Hello! Recently, I was curious about the warranty programs available for Sterling McCall Toyota vehicles, so I reached out to their customer service team for clarification. They provided me with detailed information about the various warranty plans tailored to different needs and budgets. Their expert guidance helped me choose the most suitable warranty program for my vehicle, ensuring comprehensive coverage and protection. Overall, sterling mccall toyota customer service efficiently addressed my inquiries, offering valuable assistance in selecting the right warranty program for my car.

Side: Ferrari
1 point

It's more expensive fore a reason... Because it's awesome

Side: Bugatti
john00(14) Clarified
1 point

However, repairing a rental car depends on the type of damage and the rental company's policies. If the damage is covered under the rental agreement, the rental company may handle repairs. If the damage is not covered, the renter may be responsible for the cost of repairs. It's important to carefully review of temecula mechanic the rental agreement and speak with the rental company about any damage or repairs needed.

Side: Ferrari
1 point

It's more expensive fore a reason... Because it's awesome

Side: Bugatti

Bugatti has been declared the fastest car so far but soon car makers will make a car faster than the bugatti. The fastest motorcycle is the Ducatti.... See how they rhyme...

Side: Bugatti