
Debate Info

Iran Israel
Debate Score:21
Total Votes:22
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 Iran (5)
 Israel (8)

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sibzamini(21) pic

Which one is more dangerous for the United States? Iran or Israel?

I mean that starting a war is somehow unexpectable. Although situations show that the relationship between the United States and Israel is very well, but it does not mean that there isn't any possibility that a war breaks out betwean them. For example, their different ideology or their different ideas about Iran can be the reason. In the past, we saw some strange happenings; for instance, in the Iraq-Iran war, Israel sold some weapons to Iran when the other countries (but few) never helped Iran. All of us know that the Islamic Republic of Iran and Israel have not had any good relationship at all! By telling this story, I mean that strange things may happen in politics.


Side Score: 11


Side Score: 10
2 points

We would have a greater chance of declaring war on Iran than Israel. There are too many Jewish people in the US that they would cause such a scene if the US attacked Israel. And both the US and Israel hate Iran.

Side: Iran
sibzamini(21) Disputed
2 points

I meant Israel may attack the US, not the US attack Israel.

Side: Israel
Scout143(652) Disputed
1 point

Israel would never attack the United States. We would crush them in a fight, and they rely on the US for survival.

Side: Iran

I will say Iran because of all the radicalism in that country. Scary!

Side: Iran
0 points

Actually, Iran would just destroy America in one touch of a button. And America attacking Israel?! America would be nothing without Israel! If Israel decides that America is no longer a need, or America is disobeying something. Then Israel is surely going to do something that America will turn out helpless. And face it! America is already being controlled by the Jewish people!

Side: Israel
Oiden(395) Disputed
1 point

You do got a good point, if Israel attacks is we will be like, wtf? but Iran is currently the bigger threat.

Side: Iran

I do agree with you. Iran is a bigger threat, but I would not think they might attack just like that. There should be a MASSIVE reason for it.Although They are the same human beings just like all of us, no one wants war. Anyways this is only a political game. If there will be a war, the politicians wont be the one who will shed their blood, so they wont care much about it. They'll take it as a strategic game.

Side: Iran