
Debate Info

Republican Democrat
Debate Score:22
Total Votes:28
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 Republican (7)
 Democrat (7)

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qazx1234qazx(126) pic

Which party is better?


Side Score: 15


Side Score: 7

Well, both really suck, but Republicans claim to want smaller government, but historically, they don't.

Side: libertarian

Damn Straight !

Side: libertarian

Republicans promise morals, Democrats promise entitlements. Losers!!!

Side: libertarian
2 points

Beater? As in wife beater? I think the Republicans have a larger history of that.

Side: Republican

...............It will cut taxes and spending................

Side: Republican
1 point

Not doing such a good job of it either .

Side: libertarian
1 point

Sorry, there is some evidence that Repbulicans cut taxes, but they love spending just as much as Democrats. OK, not as much. Look at every single Republican President.

Side: Democrat

George W. Bush drove us into economic recession and you had to ask which party is better? What party did he belong too?

Side: Democrat
1 point

So, to suggest that one person, such as the president, drove us into economic recession, this would suggest that America is not capitalism, but corporatism, crony capitalism or maybe managerial capitalism, then if this is true, then Obama is just as corporatist, crony capitalist or managerial capitalist of state power and control of the economy. The difference is that Obama has different friends than Bush.

Side: libertarian
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
0 points

What do think privatization is? It is not individuals, but corporations. Which party wants to "privatize" everything? It is not the Democrats.

Of course America is corporatist, and Obama does have different friends.

Side: Democrat

The Democrats are better because they want to help the poor and the middle class.

Side: Democrat
0 points

Arrrrgggggghhhhh! The Republicrats are the same stinking party folks! It's all political kabuki!

Side: The Same