
Debate Info

surprise surprize
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:8
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 surprise (4)
 surprize (2)

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pups6116(93) pic

Which spelling is better 'surprise' or 'surprize'


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 2
1 point

my vote stays here.

don't ask me why, it just looks right

Side: surprise
1 point

same same

i for some RANDOM REASON actually agree with you

Side: surprise
1 point

even my vote comes here even though it doesn't make any sense 2 me

Side: surprise

English English is my favourite. Skipping U's and replacing S's with Z's just looks tacky, but that's because I'm English. On a similar note, "pedophile" looks like you are describing a foot fetishist.

Side: surprise
1 point
Side: surprize
1 point

People say "Well the other one looks right" This is because they have been brought up with it that way

If i were to type "look at they cahrr" It would still sound like "car" just spelled differently. I think surprize looks better, and makes more sense in the prize bit!

Side: surprize