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 Who is your fav. rapper (10)

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elijahh(37) pic

Who is your fav. rapper

My fav. rapper is lil wayne who is yours. Be honest.

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No rap is good rap.

That is, I'd sooner listen to a baby screech as loud as possible for an hour than rap for two minutes.

Side: no rap is good rap

I like Q,tip or Common and more good times style rap like De La Soul or Arrested Development. I'm also a fan of The Roots and Nas. Has any of the Americans ever heard of Roots Manuva, Phi Life Chypher or Plan B I would advise checking them out.

Side: no rap is good rap
1 point


Until the end of time...

Other rappers are good/great/decent but I don't think they'll ever be the same as pac.

Btw lil wayne is gayer than lady gaga.

Side: Tupac

I agree with you about Lil Wayne, I don't understand the interest in him.

Side: Tupac
1 point

I'm not going to lie...

He comes up with decent lyrics.

His songs sometimes sound good.

But he's a posh little pussy cunt that's playing an OG??? He's out there commercialising and glamourising drugs, prostitution and violence. There's people who are out in the midst of it all, killing and dying and he's never been near that lifestyle, yet he talks about it and makes money off of it. He's making money off something he has never touched. Bitch needs to go.

Side: Tupac

My favorite music is hip hop. I've heard every rapper worth hearing, and I can differentiate between rap and hip hop. The best rapper alive is Tech N9ne. He also happens to be my favorite. I'm able to type a thesis on the reasons for my choice, but suffice it to say he displays the most ingenuity, he's by far the most talented, skilled lyrically, poetic and dark.

Side: N9na

Eminem is my favorite and I consider him the King of Rap.

Side: N9na