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me not me but i can be
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 me (3)
 not me but i can be (7)

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holly(33) pic

Who needs friends?


Side Score: 3

not me but i can be

Side Score: 9
1 point

me the maker does so be my friend and hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Side: ME
1 point

Everyone undoubtedly needs friends because the person who doesn't have any friends is really alone in the life. There are very many hard situations when you need friends. Since nobody is perfect. Everybody must have friends. Of course, not only problems, life is full of happiness. Sometimes when you are very happy, you want to say it somebody because we want to make happy other people. However, only true friends would be really happy for you. Additionally, we also need some entertainment. It is very sad and bad if you don't have anybody just to go to the cinema or cafeteria. It is very important to have close people in the life, not only for advantages at the same time sometimes to look after somebody. If you don't have friends, you always should try to find them. I am sure that people who have the same tastes and views on the life.

Side: ME

Not me, but I can be one. Hang in there, this place isn't always friendly.

Side: not me but i can be
2 points

I do not need friends too. From my point of view people who think that friends are an important part of live, they can not solve their problems and can not rely on themselves. Friendship lasts as long as there are common interests between people. I have not so many friends and I am sure that I am able to live in this world without them.

Side: not me but i can be
Ardak1210(76) Disputed
1 point

Why do you think that people who have friends are weak? Even if the person is the most successful person and he has absolutely everything to be happy, he can't be happy in true meaning of this word. Since the most strongest person needs friends. I think people who haven't any friends are alone. Sometimes every one needs somebody's advice and it is unpleasant if we ask it our parents or just people whom we know. I mean we need fresh views on something of our friends because a strange person for you may say: "Oh, yeah, it is very good, you have accepted a right decision!". It is just to be advantageous from you because he or she doesn't care what do you feel and how it is important for you. However, true friends may say truth about you because if they are your close friends and they wish you only happiness they will truth even if you is not pleasant for you to hear it. We all are people and sometimes we may want to go somewhere and I don't think that it is a good idea to spend your free time with people whom you don't know, I mean people who are not close to you. To my mind, it is wonderful to have at least somebody who always worries for you, whom you carry. It is very very good. I can say it from my life experience, I have many friends, but I have only one the best friend. Our friendship started still from our childhood. It is about 7 years ago. She turned into one member of my family. It doesn't matter how many years we have friendship. It is really important how our friendship is strong.

Moreover, it is very useful. According to Center for Aging Studies at Flinders University of Australia, people who have a large network of friends tend to live longer by about 22% than those who have the least number of friends. That's why we always should have friends.

Side: me
1 point

My private part named CharityFund needs em well at least the kind with three holes .

Side: not me but i can be