
Debate Info

North Korea Iran
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:14
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 North Korea (7)
 Iran (3)

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oh-no(119) pic

Who's crazier North Korea or Iran

North Korea

Side Score: 9


Side Score: 3
3 points

They're both crazy as all hell; but I'd say that North Korea is more crazy because it makes an enemy of its own people by starving them to death and driving them to cannibalism. They're also murdering thousands of their own troops each year to maintain the illusion of a fictitious ongoing war with Britain, Germany, and the U.S.

Side: North Korea

Iran is not as bad as American propaganda says, I've got Farsi friend.

It is hypocritical to say Iran is crazy country because we could also say that for Saudi Arabia or Oman and we don't say that because they're allies of U.S.

Side: North Korea
oh-no(119) Clarified
1 point

Oh, yeah saying your gonna blow Israel off the map isn't crazy

Side: North Korea

deffintly north korea if they are threating the us you have to be a cmoplete lunitic and iran doesnt really exist anymore do to the fact the USA went in there and took down the dicatorship and has tried starting a demcrocy

Side: North Korea

I think Kim Jong-un is a crazy leader, so, I am worried more about North Korea.

Side: North Korea
0 points

That's just racist and it's of a myopic view.

Side: North Korea

Watch Argo.

Side: Iran
oh-no(119) Clarified
1 point

I've seen it great movie but that was thirty years ago, they've gotten crazier :)

Side: North Korea
1 point

first of all Iran is not crazy there innocent people who just want to defend them self's its the american government and the north Koreans that are crazy. the american government keeps on blinding the american citizens to think that there doing the right thing but there not they are killing innocent people in iran

Side: Iran
0 points

That's just racist and it's of a myopic view.

Side: Iran
oh-no(119) Clarified
1 point

How is it racist

Side: North Korea
Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

It's insulating these places are crazy with no forethought of their view.

Side: North Korea