
Debate Info

Taylor Swift, the whore Miley, the pot smoking rebel
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:9
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 Taylor Swift, the whore (4)
 Miley, the pot smoking rebel (2)

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shoutoutloud(4303) pic

Who's the worse rolemodel for young girls?

Taylor Swift, the whore

Side Score: 5

Miley, the pot smoking rebel

Side Score: 3
2 points

Who cares if Miley uses the great herb as long as she is responsible?

Side: Taylor Swift, the whore

I'd rather have my kid going through a little rebellious pot smoking phase than sleeping around.

Side: Taylor Swift, the whore

Taylor Swift participates in these things?

Side: Taylor Swift, the whore
shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

I never heard Taylor Swift smokes pot :O

Side: Taylor Swift, the whore
0 points

I can't listen to music because she is bound to pop up somewhere.

Heack, I can sing better then Taylor Swift even though I make people run away when I sing.

Side: Taylor Swift, the whore

Never really heard Taylor Swift doing bad things. By Cyrus on the other hand yeah.

Side: Miley, the pot smoking rebel

I don't see why I got a downvote but whatever.

Side: Miley, the pot smoking rebel