
Debate Info


Christine Jennings (D)

Vern Buchanan (R)

Debate Score:21
Total Votes:26
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Christine Jennings (D)
Vern Buchanan (R)

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Who should I vote for in the 2008 Florida 13th District House of Representatives Race?

Christine Jennings (D)

Side Score: 8

Vern Buchanan (R)

Side Score: 13
2 points

Just last week, Christine Jennings proved that Floridians recognize her devotion to the stabilization of the American health care system by receiving endorsement from the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare (NCPSS) Jennings has been a long time advocate for securing federal funds to insure the protection of health benefits for retirees and Americans in low-income households.

Jennings made a statement after receiving the endorsement in a town meeting at the not-for-profit Village on the Isle retirement community.

“Safeguarding Social Security and Medicare will be one of my top priorities as a member of Congress, and I am so glad that my commitment has been recognized by NCPSS. The importance of protecting both of these programs cannot be underestimated – that is why I oppose risky privatization schemes and will fight for the responsible management of these programs for the retirees of both today and tomorrow.”

To get the full blue-print on Jennings's plan for improving Medicare check out:

Supporting Evidence: Christine Jennings endorsed by National Committee (
Side: Health care
1 point

Offshore tax evasion in Florida by the extremely wealthy via loopholes puts extra tax burdens on the middle class and is causing an uproar on Florida's mainland. Vern Buchanan has exploited said loopholes by owning offshore reinsurance companies that allow his car dealership to pay fewer taxes than other businesses who pay their way, oblivious to the offshore corruption.

Jennings recently spoke with Rep. Brad Sherman(D-Ca) regarding such tax evasion which is also a problem in Florida and expressed her disappointment in Buchanan's shady dealings. Sherman supports two pieces of legislation designed to deter illegal deductibles taken on offshore property.

H.R. 2136, the Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act, restricts the use of offshore havens, and H.R. 2345, the Abuse of Tax Shelter Shutdown and Taxpayer Accountability Act of 2007 disallows tax benefits for those who fail to disclose the true nature of tax-sheltered transactions relating to business or leisure property.

Jennings: “Restoring fiscal discipline to Washington is of my top priorities. Making sure everyone pays their fair share of taxes is an important step toward balancing the budget and paying down the debt, especially as our government faces so many other economic challenges. I couldn’t agree more with Rep. Sherman’s recommendations for closing these off-shore tax loopholes that allow too many people to escape paying their fair share.”

Supporting Evidence: Jennings to stop offshore tax evasion (
Side: Christine Jennings
0 points

Vern Buchanan has recently come under allegations of fraud commonly known as "power booking" which essentially means he took money out of his many car business and put it into his campaign.

He also pressured his employees to write checks to him for his campaign which he repaid in cash. Buchanan testified, under oath, that he did not ask his ex-employees for campaign cheques, but every one of them came forward with a matching claim. So far, seven lawsuits have been filed in Florida against Buchanan.

Christine Jennings calls on Buchanan to make the statement he owes to the public. Her spokeswoman, Melissa Smith, says on Jennings behalf, “Instead of answers, all we’ve seen are more lawsuits. And according to his campaign spokeswoman, Buchanan has gone on vacation for the week, continuing to deny the voters of the 13th District the explanations they deserve in these matters. "

Supporting Evidence: Buchanan's shady dealings (
Side: Christine Jennings
0 points

I appreciate her policy on a women's right to choose. I also am pleased that she does not support drilling off the shore of Florida.

Side: Christine Jennings
0 points

Although Jennings says she understands the value of testing and accountability in schools, she believes that the educational system needs to move away from the pigeonholing tactics of No Child Left Behind, which employs universal methods for very different educational facilities and diverts money from public and state schools to for-profit ones. Nor have any funds been granted for School Improvement grants program as was stipulated under title I, leaving many schools underfunded, teachers underpaid, and classrooms too full.

Instead of stifling progress further by altering and promoting NCLB, Jennings wants to re-energize education at the federal level by allowing states to re-allocate funding from the School Improvements grants program, and put federal tax dollars back to work for American children.

Jennings receives endorsement from Sarasota teachers
Side: Christine Jennings
6 points

The number of foreclosures in Manatee County are bringing constituents out to speak about their concerns for future mortgage rates and current foreclosures.

Buchanan met with Manatee residents to discuss his recent legislation American Family Housing Rescue and Foreclosure Prevention Act H.R. 3221 which will provide more flexibility and expand the Federal Housing Administration to help 400,000 homeowners in danger of foreclosure by allowing them to have more flexible fixed-rate mortgages.

It will also provide another $15 billion over the next 10 years in tax incentives to encourage new home buyers to stimulate the housing market and it would include a $7,500 tax credit for first time home buyers.

Supporting Evidence: Buchanan to help the housing market (
Side: Vern Buchanan
2 points

This sounds like a good idea to help the people who are really struggling and close to losing their homes. This probably should have already been included in the bailout bill. I just hope that a bill like this actually gets passed and does not end up taking too long. Some people are really close to running out of time.

Side: Vern Buchanan
2 points

The recent salmonella scare has left Florida tomato farmers reeling under the weight of hefty financial losses. Buchanan has co-authored a plan to compensate tomato farmers for their recent losses, but some wonder if perhaps this long-awaited legislation has come too late. After all, the farmers suffered a record-breaking $250 million in losses this past July when the FDA first issued the nation-wide warning.

Buchanan's new co-authored bill, H.R. 6581 tells the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture to make significant payments to Florida tomato farmers in order to make up for their not being able to sell their crops due to market scares.

"We clearly need a better way to handle similar incidents in the future.“ The FDA needs to reform their trace-back programs so that growers and consumers do not have to go through the same nightmare during future outbreaks."-Buchanan.

Some say that the bill is positive and will bring security back to the farmer, but will this force the FDA to re-think their putting out warnings on food? Isn't better to have safety first than to scare our government into submission through monetary penalties?

Supporting Evidence: Buchanan stands up for the farmer in this press release (
Side: Vern Buchanan
2 points

In order to help deal with the energy crisis, Buchanan believes that Congress needs to focus on ending subsidies for Big Oil and speculation which continues to drive gas prices through the roof. He also supports drilling in ANWR (but he does not mention off of the Gulf Coast) and ceasing Strategic Petroleum Reserve deposits, citing the immediate need for oil as a reason to begin reserves distribution.

Naturally, Buchanan also supports implementing and funding alternative energy sources, but says that first drilling policies and oil conservation must be enacted by Congress. However, Buchanan, as I mentioned, says nothing to the effect of offshore drilling in Florida. Does Buchanan not mention the territory for fear of an uproar from his coastal constituency?

Supporting Evidence: Buchanan: energy and drilling (
Side: Vern Buchanan
1 point

Buchanan stands for integrity, for honesty, and most of all, for the people. His votes have been for his constituents, not for his party or ideology. He is a fresh voice who does Florida proud.

Side: Vern Buchanan