
Debate Info


Andre Carson (D)

Gabrielle Campo (R)

Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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Andre Carson (D)
Gabrielle Campo (R)

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Who should I vote for in the 2008 Indiana 7th District House of Representatives Race?

Andre Carson (D)

Side Score: 12

Gabrielle Campo (R)

Side Score: 5
3 points

With over 90 million children suffering in the US because of lack of of health coverage, incumbent Congressman Carson says it's time to focus on a bill to help American children get the medical treatment they require.

With the Children's Health First Act of which he is an avid supporter and cosponsor, Carson hopes to be able to amend social security so that every child, regardless of his household's economic standing, can receive health care.

Congressman Carson: "It's unacceptable. We live in the wealthiest nation in the world and I can't conceive how the wealthiest nation in the world does not provide it's citizenry with access to affordable healthcare at the very least our children...I stand ready and willing to work with Republicans and Democrats to craft the right kind of compromise that moves us forward and gives our kids the coverage that they so deserve."

Carson hopes to secure health care for children
Side: Andre Carson
3 points

Carson recently managed to secure legislation that will provide funding for the small businessman and job training in the John H. Boner Community Center in Indianapolis, Indiana. In the FY 2009 House Financial Services Appropriations, an allowance $200,000 will be provided to the Boner Community Center to provide job training and workforce development programs designed to assist low-income families already enrolled in the Community Center's homeownership program.

Congressman Carson is very excited about the community's funding and hopes that it will bring about further economic stability in the housing market and the workforce.

Carson:"I am proud to support this project, and I will continue to support worthy programs that invest in our community's most important asset - our residents."

Supporting Evidence: Carson wins funding for Community Center (
Side: Jon Elrod
2 points

I think those that live in this district should vote for Andre not just because of name recognition but also because of his deep-rooted connections and compassion for the community in which he serves.

Side: Andre Carson
1 point

Since Mr. Elrod has dropped his bid for Indiana's 7th District Congressional Seat, Congressman Andre Carson will run uncontested and automatically win his re-election.

Side: Andre Carson
1 point

Carson Votes Against Bailout

Carson stated during his vote that he did not trust or find a reason to trust the Bush administration with more taxpayer dollars.

“Mr. Speaker, the economic malpractice of the Bush Administration is why our financial markets are in turmoil. This Administration’s fiscal negligence is why Wall Street was rewarded for doing things wrong while Main Street was punished for doing things right.

“And now this same inept Administration is asking the American public to trust them. This same ineffective Administration is asking the American people to forgive and to forget. This same Administration is telling the American people; let’s just let bygones be bygones.

“Mr. Speaker, that is unacceptable. The Bush Administration has neither the credibility nor the depth to solve our nation’s economic crisis."

Carson further argued that the bill did not do enough to help those who are stuggling to keep their homes or buy them in the future. Also, he opposed increasing the federal deficit.

Supporting Evidence: No Bailout (
Side: Bailout
jessepa83(184) Disputed
1 point

Carson only voted against the original version of the bailout, but supported the final version. The federal government is too big and incompetent to deliver on any promise that taxpayers will be fully compensated for spending like this which will put the country further into debt. It doesn't really make a difference who's in power unless their main principle is to uphold the Constitution instead of pandering for votes.

Gabrielle Campo (R)
1 point

Those that are quick to dismiss rumors that Obama is a Muslim should take a look at the fact that there are now two Muslims in Congress who endorse him, Carson being one and the other being Keith Ellison of Minnesota. Carson and Elrod are set to face a rematch after the special election early this year. I believe I would prefer Elrod for the simple reason that, even though he is thought to be gay, he seems more willing to stay out of the personal lives of his constituents whereas homosexuality is forbidden in Islam.

Gabrielle Campo (R)
Naje(432) Disputed
2 points

Obama:"Let's make clear what the facts are. I am a the internet age, there are going to be lies spread all over the place. I have been victimized by these lies. Fortunately the American people are, I think, smarter than folks give them credit for."

I hope so too. Just thought we'd clear that up.

Now, even though Carson's religious affiliation may be scrutinized by voters and elected officials on the Hill, I'm not certain that it takes precidence over fiscal and budgetary issues that are weighing heavily on the minds of the American middle-class. At the moment, Carson is hoping that Americans will notice his record of voting to save Social Security, spend energy dollars to strengthen renewable energy resources and bringing the troops home.

Check out his positive votes on preserving the HR 2419: Farm, Nutrition, and Bioenergy Act of 2007 (Farm Bill), and to increase tax credit extensions to help citizens cope with forclosure in the housing market crisis here.

Carson fighting to save social security
Side: Andre Carson
1 point

Please note: Republican former Congressional Candidate for Indiana's 7th District Jon Elrod has dropped his bid for this Congressional seat as of June 18th, 2008.

Side: Jon Elrod
1 point

With Elrod having dropped out of the race, Campo seems like an alternative that's just as good, if not better, for the hot-button issues in this district. Her stances seem mostly conservative and, by unseating Congressman Carson, she could even be thought of as capable of pulling off upset victories. This race could be an echo of the results of the state's Democratic primary in May.

Gabrielle Campo (R)
1 point

I hope always you be successful, You deserve a bright future


Gabrielle Campo (R)