
Debate Info


David Boswell (D)

Steven Guthrie (R)

Debate Score:15
Total Votes:23
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David Boswell (D)
Steven Guthrie (R)

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Who should I vote for in the 2008 Kentucky 2nd District House of Representatives Race?

David Boswell (D)

Side Score: 9

Steven Guthrie (R)

Side Score: 6
2 points

David Boswell represents the change we need. Guthrie is another company CEO concerned with profits and greed instead of the working man's creed. After we have seen the Republicans in action the past 6 of the 8 years, do we really want more deregulation of Wall Street and tax cuts for corporations and CEO's? That is not going to represent Kentucky. We need someone who understands Kentucky needs job creation to boost the economy and Boswell will fight for Kentucky.

Side: David Boswell
1 point

With the latest polls showing David Boswell(D) with a slight lead over Brett Guthrie(R), his campaign is hoping for added support from the national Democratic Party in his bid for Kentucky's 2nd Congressional District's open seat. The poll of likely voters gives Boswell a 3 point advantage, 47% to 44%. The race was traditionally thought to be an easy win for the Republicans, but in this year of Democratic supremacy, Boswell's support seems to be growing.

Supporting Evidence: Boswell camp hopes to ride poll lead to further national interest (
Side: Boswell Hopes for DCCC Help
1 point

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a $9 trillion federal debt...and growing every single day. That translates into $45,000 a year of debt service obligation for every man, woman and child in this country. We have got to put middle-class America back to work."-Boswell

Two weeks ago, Boswell spoke at a rally in Owensboro, KY about growing debt and fuel prices in the nation. Boswell insists that the only way to decrease the federal debt and force Washington to turn around to newer policies is to get Progressives and Democrats into the House to enact new policies.

Boswell calls for relief and reform for the middle class
Side: David Boswell
0 points

Boswell has very close ties with Labor Unions stemming back to the beginning of his campaign trail and family roots in the mining industry. The majority of Boswell's endorsements are from labor and industry unions, and he hopes that with their support, the progressive push for a stabilized economy and job market will be realized.

During a recent strike by the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers 72 on Labor Day, Boswell commented on the strength of his own politics through unions saying, "The books we carried to school ... (were) paid for by organized labor. It was organized labor and the schoolteachers that stood tall and helped me get elected."

Boswell credits labor for political success
Side: David Boswell
0 points

Boswell's popularity with moderate and conservative Democrats was solidified last week when he received the open endorsement of fifty congressional Democrats for his bid for 2nd district representative. The group drew Boswell out of a tight financial predicament and threw him back into the race $840,000 richer.

The DCCC(Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee) ran an ad applauding Boswell's efforts and condemning Guthrie's business for allegedly outsourcing work to Mexico "that could be done right here [Kentucky]."

Guthrie has responded with some outrage, calling the statements false and libel, but the DCCC doesn't seem to care much for his response and is only focused on making sure that pro-gun, pro-life Boswell has enough in his coffers to see him through to November.

Supporting Evidence: Boswell hangs on financially thanks to FCCC (
Side: David Boswell
0 points

Despite his being out fund raised by Guthrie almost 3-1, Boswell's higher rank in public opinion and his name recognition among constituents due to his four years as state agriculture commissioner.

During a debate last month between Boswell and Guthrie, the Republican candidate spoke at length about what he believes is abuse in the earmarks process over the last ten years in Washington, saying that the process is completely out of control. Guthrie cited the $223 million Bridge to Nowhere project in Ketchikan, Alaska as an inappropriate use of federal earmarks and the proposed plan for Hartland Parkway construction as an appropriate use of earmarks. All of this to which Boswell replied, "I'm not a supporter of earmarks."

Amongst other subjects, the two also differed on the subject of troop removal from Iraq. Guthrie stated that Washington must call for a pull-up of generals, while Boswell said that rash actions do our servicemen and women working hard to do their duty a great disservice.

Supporting Evidence: Boswell comes out ahead after debate (
Side: David Boswell
1 point

In a seat held for 14 years by Republicans, the race for Kentucky's 2nd Congressional District, Brett Guthrie(R) has a major financial advantage over David Boswell(D). Guthrie's campaign has at least $661,000 on hand as opposed to just $45,000 for Boswell. Guthrie raised $363,554 in the second quarter, while Boswell racked up a debt of $18,000. Financially, this race may be over well before November and the Republicans will continue to hold Kentucky's 2nd.

Side: Guthrie Has a Financial Advantage
1 point

Last month, Gutherie and Boswell met in a public forum in a Kentucky Farm Bureau in Elizabethtown to discuss energy policy.

However, the two candidates seemed to agree on the need for a permanent repeal of the estate tax and also on the need for enhanced environmental regulation.

The only area where the candidates differed was with regard to Speaker Nancy Pelosi's position in Congress. Guthrie, following in suit with his party condemns her stance on energy policy and Boswell says that this comes as no surprise to him. Boswell, rather than shooting down her efforts, said that he would rather wait and see if another challenger from his party decided to run against the Speaker.

Bipartisanship in the heat of competition
Side: Steven Guthrie
1 point

David Boswell should be ashamed to be hiding behind the DCCC and their lies. Trace Die Cast sells parts to Mexico. That is called trade. They do not have work done for themselves in Mexico. Trace Die Cast does not outsource business. If Mr. Boswell is willing to support such lies and mislead the people of Kentucky during an election, what do you think that he would be willing to do if he were in Washington.

Brett Guthrie's record of voting in the State Senate speaks volumes for what he has done for Kentucky.

Side: Steven Guthrie