
Debate Info


Elwyn Tinklenberg (D)

Michele Bachmann (R)

Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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Elwyn Tinklenberg (D)
Michele Bachmann (R)

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Who should I vote for in the 2008 Minnesota 6th District House of Representatives Race?

Elwyn Tinklenberg (D)

Side Score: 7

Michele Bachmann (R)

Side Score: 2
1 point

Apparently being endorsed by Minnesota's Democratic-Farm-Labor Party for the nomination to the 6th Congressional District's House seat wasn't enough, Elwyn Tnklenberg(D) has now been endorsed by Minnesota's Independence Party as well.

The Independence Party is a strong third party in Minnesota, having elected Jesse Ventura governor in 1998 and making good showings at the polls every election. Having the combined force of both parties backing her will aid Tinklenberg when she faces incumbent Michele Bachmann(R) in November.

Supporting Evidence: Elwyn Tinklenberg's Campaign Taking Off (
Side: Independence Party Supports Tinklenberg
1 point

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann(R), is a delegate to the Republican National Convention and serves on the platform committee, however during the last 2 days of hearings, Bachmann has been a no show. Her campaign manager says family commitments kept her away.

Since her election in 2006, Bachmann has become a strong Republican voice from an otherwise blue state, however, voters may be curious as to why she missed the hearings, especially while they're being conducted in her home state.

Supporting Evidence: Bachmann Misses Most Of GOP Platform Hearings (
Side: Bachmann Missing Platform Hearing
1 point

Republican incumbent Michelle Bachmann has gone on record stating that drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge would lower gas prices, possibly to the level of $2 per gallon. In her bid for reelection to Minnesota's 6th Congressional District's House seat, Bachmann traveled to ANWR to investigate the possible ramifications of drilling and came to the determination that there was very little wildlife in the refuge. However, the leadership of the Republican delegation, John Boehner, has refined the GOP talking points and stated that drilling and wildlife could co-exist on the 2,000 acre area.

Supporting Evidence: Another GOP Oil Myth! No Wildlife In Wildlife Refuge (
Side: Bachmann Believes No Wildlife in ANWR
1 point

Climate change has been a hot button issue for decades, but most scientists and politicians agree that the presence of global warming is presently being felt on mankind. The extent of the damage to our way of life, and indeed if man is responsible for the changes, has yet to be confirmed, however Republican Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann of Minnesota's 6th Congressional District has gone on record saying she does not believe that enough science has been done. In a debate from her 2006 Congressional race, she stated that she believes the evidence of whether we're entering an era of global cooling or global warming is up for deliberation and that scientists are unsure of the facts.

Michele Bachmann doesn't believe in global warming
Side: Bachmann's Global Warming Opinion
1 point

Shortly after taking office, Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann made news by kissing President Bush at the State of the Union address in 2007. That kiss caused quite a stir with the media and thrust Bachmann from the position of a rookie congresswoman to a nationwide stage.

The kiss also circulated rumors of Bachmann's relationship with the President, what her intentions to Republican leadership were, and indeed how she became such an important congressperson in such a short period of time.

You take my breath away, Mr. President!
Side: Bachmann Kisses the President
1 point

In light of the recent economic downturn and the proposed $700 billion bailout, Minnesota's 6th District's Congresswoman Michele Bachmann voiced opposition to the package proposed by Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson and Fed Chairman Ben Bernake. She feels that the Bush Administration bailout fails to address the underlying concerns of how the mortgage crisis caused a collapse in investor confidence.

Bachmann also points to her conservative values of deregulation and support of a free market able to suffer the consequences of poor management amongst its companies.

Tax Dollars for Government Bail-Outs
Side: Bachmann on Bailout Package

Tinklenberg needs to win if for no other reason than to get Bachmann out of office- she's a nut, a throw back to the anti-commie whackos of days gone by. No doubt, she's who Michael Stipe had in mind when he wrote the song "Exhuming McCarthy". For those who may have missed it, she put in a really disturbing appearance on Hardball on Friday, saying, among other things, that "I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out if they are pro-America or anti-America". That's just divisive and unhealthy. Have you no decency- at long last, Ms. Bachmann, have you no decency left?

Supporting Evidence: Bachmann channels McCarthy (
Side: Elwyn Tinklenberg
1 point

Republican Congresswoman of Minnesota’s 6th District Michele Bachmann has appeared on many television programs and more namely on Larry King Live to discuss much partisan political strife or a hot topic on the O’Reilly Factor (see below).

As this is an election year, a lot of political officials try to make certain issues their number one priority or state that they will cover so many issues in their two year term in office however; Rep. Bachmann has a record of continuing what she plans to do. A great example is her health care stance:

“American healthcare is the best in the world, but rising costs make it inaccessible to many. In fact, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, between 2000 and 2006, premiums for family coverage increased 87%, making the average annual premium for families more than $12,000.

A big part of the problem has roots in the Tax Code, which favors employer-provided health insurance. My Health Care Freedom of Choice Act would provide full tax deductibility for individual medical expenses, including medical care, dental care, long-term care and insurance premiums.”

Side: Michele Bachmann
1 point

Bachmann Votes Against Bailout

Bachmann has offered alternatives to the bailout.

She would require lenders to insure assets.

"I support a plan that would have Wall Street bail itself out, not hardworking taxpayers, by requiring institutions to insure troublesome assets that are causing today’s credit crunch. It would suspend mark-to-market accounting, which forces companies to take losses on artificially devalued assets on an artificial timetable, to give investors more confidence."

It is unclear how future insurance will resolve today's problems.

She would "break up" Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

"The plan I support would break up Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- government sponsored enterprises that are at the heart of this crisis -- so that the encumbered taxpayer no longer backs them -- implicitly or explicitly -- and so that they do not artificially grow larger than the market will allow. We cannot pass legislation that sets America up for a Groundhog Day reprise of this mess and that means changing the problem at its core - the GSEs. "

It remains to be seen what a break up would entail, what effect this would have on the credit crisis, and what this would mean for future home buyers.

She wants to cut taxes. Bachmann believes more capital would flow into the system after cuts.

"Furthermore, the plan I support suspends capital-punishing tax rates to bring more capital into the U.S. markets rather than our foreign competitors. And, the plan ensures the Federal Reserve’s attention is focused on long-term price stability rather than short term economic growth. Finally, it requires the US Treasury to write rules keeping executives who made the risky decisions from personally profiting from them with excessive compensation or golden parachutes all at the expense of taxpayers. We can't have a market that only condones risky behavior. The balance between risk and reward is an important part of the free market."

Supporting Evidence: No Bailout (
Side: Bailout