
Debate Info


Steve Driehaus (D)

Steve Chabot (R)

Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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Steve Driehaus (D)
Steve Chabot (R)

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Who should I vote for in the 2008 Ohio 1st District House of Representatives Race?

Steve Driehaus (D)

Side Score: 2

Steve Chabot (R)

Side Score: 7
1 point

Driehaus: An Average Democrat and a Fiscal Conservative

Driehaus supports withdrawing from Iraq, expanding health care coverage, and keeping Social Security. Since Ohio is considered a swing state, it may be no surprise that Democrats would shift to the center in order to be elected. Driehaus is no exception when it comes to taxes. The candidate supports tax cuts for the middle class and taxing oil companies, but he has also voted against tax increases as a State Representative. He pledges to reduce the deficit (even if he is short on details as to how).

Supporting Evidence: On the Issues (
Side: Steve Driehaus
1 point

In response to Chabot's smear campaign which accuses Driehaus of employing PAC and special interest groups to inhibit Chabot's campaign for domestic oil, Driehaus proposes that the incumbent stop pointing fingers and start answering questions.

The Cincinnati Enquirer has already published two stories on Chabot's less than legitimate ad campaign, claiming that the falsehoods essentially lie to the public with regard to Driehaus and his energy priorities.

From On children's health care, Chabot voted against the State Children's Health Insurance Program, or S-CHIP. But, Chabot then, using the Congressional franking privilege (allowing Members of Congress to mail items to their constituents free of charge) sent a full-color mailer saying he supports health insurance for children.

Chabot has also voted to give tax credits to Big Oil while residents in the First District continue to pay record amounts at the pump. Meanwhile, Chabot - again at taxpayers' expense - sends out a full-color glossy flier saying he is working to cut energy costs.

Supporting Evidence: Driehaus answers Chabot's false allegations (
Side: Steve Driehaus
4 points

In order to begin putting effective limits on pork barrel spending, Chabot has sponsored legislation to stop wasteful federal spending and put taxpayer dollars into community legislations and improved federal policies.

Specific legislation sponsored by Chabot and cosponsored by Mark Udall (D-CO) called the STOP (Stop the Omnibus Pork) Resolution is an improvement on the 1950 Omnibus Appropriations Act which was meant to streamline the appropriations process in Congress in order to avoid excess spending. Now, Chabot feels that Congress needs to be reminded of where the money being spent so frivolously comes from.

Chabot:"Lawmakers must recognize that the money we spend in Washington belongs to the taxpayers and that we have been entrusted by those we represent to make responsible decisions. That means reducing wasteful spending and cutting taxes so hardworking families can keep more of the money they earn.”

Supporting Evidence: Chabot to stop pork barrel spending (
Side: Steve Chabot
3 points

Along with the rest of his party, Chabot put up a fight against Speaker Pelosi last month when Congress adjourned for summer recess without making any definite decisions regarding an energy plan and domestic drilling.

Chabot:"“Solutions that will lower costs for working families, including increased domestic energy production and the expanded the use of renewable energy sources, deserve an immediate up or down vote.”

Chabot sponsored the Gasoline Price Relief Act which would provide a $1000 tax incentive to individuals and a $2,000 to families to offset the climbing price of oil. In order to curb speculation and stop the rampant climb of petroleum prices, Chabot also introduced the Oil Speculation Reduction Act just before Congress recessed to inhibit the price climb of foreign oil. The only problem is, Chabot's new ideas couldn't be addressed with the immediacy that they require because Congress has been so torn on the issue of drilling. Shouldn't congressmen focus first on curbing prices and fixing existing problems before diving into new oil wells?

Supporting Evidence: Chabot to stimulate oily economy and stop speculation (
Side: Steve Chabot