
Debate Info


Paul Kanjorski (D)

Lou Barletta (R)

Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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Paul Kanjorski (D)
Lou Barletta (R)

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Who should I vote for in the 2008 Pennsylvania 11th District House Race?

Paul Kanjorski (D)

Side Score: 3

Lou Barletta (R)

Side Score: 5
3 points

Congressman Kanjorski previously endorsed Senator Clinton but is now reported to have no comment on the presidential race. He might be able to appeal to voters of varying ideologies with his voting record; he has often been pro-life and done a decent job in helping to end the war in Iraq and phase out the Patriot Act.

Paul Kanjorski (D)
1 point

Mr Barletta offer a new point of view. He is more than just a one issue candidate.

Lou Barletta (R)
2 points

Kanjorski may have brought some good things into our area over the years, but they don't make up for using our tax dollars to pay his family members millions of tax dollars in a useless "research" program. His "new" interest in illegal immigration is not enough in comparison to Mr. Barletta's support. When our family members immigrated to the USA, it wasn't for all the "free" welfare and medical and SS money that the illegal immigrants come here for now.

Lou Barletta (R)
1 point

The Republican, Hazelton Mayor Barletta has the name recognition from national attention to his stand against illegal aliens. This has obviously been a popular stance as his lead over his Democratic opponent is 9 points with 21 percent yet undecideds of a mid September poll

Supporting Evidence: article on polling data (
Side: Lou Barletta
1 point

Recently, Kanjorski made a statement at a political roundtable that the Democrats statements and promises to end the war in Iraq and bring the troops the home were a bit exaggerated.

Kanjorski: "I think we [democrats] pushed it as far as we can to the end of the fleet, didn't say it, but we implied it. That if we won the Congressional elections, we could stop the war. Now anybody was a good student of Government would know that wasn't true."

What exactly is Kanjorski saying? That he doesn't have faith in his own parties promises, or is he completely disregarding any truth in statements made by democratic elected officials with regard to Iraq and improving foreign policy?

Kanjorski rejects statements by his own party?
Side: Paul Kanjorski