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 Who wears the pants in your house? (9)

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Sunset(2024) pic

Who wears the pants in your house?

In my house I always thought it was me, my daughter swears it's her but I really think that it's my goldfish LOL

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2 points

Even if I wasn't separated, my pants are too small in the waist for her to get on a thigh.

2 points


1 point

Me, because I'm the only one that lives here.. although I also have a fish that can be rather bitchy and I suspect he's been plotting a way out of his tank to murder me in my sleep.

1 point

well, I swear mine jumps out and feeds himself but the little bastard is fat LOL .

1 point

My husband - definitely. I suck at laying down rules and am way too laid back to discipline lol. My daughter is too young to wear the pants so I guess my husband wears the pants - literally.

1 point

In my house I am the man and woman so I guess I wear two pants hahaha .

1 point

One of my tortoises basically scratches his enclosure non-stop till I give him what he wants. He also gives me a look like "yeah, you better clean that shit," when I have to clean his shit ><

1 point

LOL, All animals have a way of taking over .

1 point

I'm pretty sure it's my boyfriend. lol, I"m so laid back that I just let him decide and go with it.