
Debate Info

Obama Ron Paul
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:18
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 Obama (3)
 Ron Paul (5)

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RevFred(351) pic

Who would make the better president?


Side Score: 4

Ron Paul

Side Score: 12
1 point

You've got to be kidding me here folks. In a race between a black guy and a guy who thinks the civil rights acts unfairly violated white store owners, you're picking the racist?

America has barely gotten through a President who hates the income tax, hates social security, imposes his personal view of the Constitution over the other two branches, encourages privatization, has worked hard to weaken FEMA, the FDA, the EPA, the FCC, etc, puts in pro-business and anti-abortion judges, opposes universal healthcare, stem-cell funding, global warming research, and many other popular programs.

The solution to America's problems is not to put in a President who wants to take all of these Bush policies to an even further extreme. It is just plain stupid to put yet another Republican who hates government in charge of the government.

With Obama you get a President who strongly opposes the Iraq War and Bush's unconstitutional policies. (Note that Obama is an actual expert on the Constitution, not a self-labeled one like Paul.) So basically, with Obama you get Paul's best two talking points, plus you get a President who is not an extremist radical.

Paul wants the US to go back to the Robber Baron days of the 1880's. Obama, and the vast majority of the American people, do not.

Side: Obama
1 point

That is a complete misunderstanding of Ron Paul. He doesn't want to go back to the Robber Baron days.

What is bad about weakening the power of FEMA, FDA,EPA and the FCC where FCC failed to see Madoff.

Obama is a extremist radical, for socialism.

Obama is not a Constitution expert. His law degree is civil rights.

Side: Ron Paul

It is now 2015 and I am so happy that I voted to re-elect President Obama back in 2012.

Side: Obama
5 points

-Limit government power

-Abolish the I.R.S and the Fed

-Get out of Iraq and remove over a hundred U.S. bases around the world.

-Go back to the gold standard.

Whats not to like?

Side: Ron Paul
2 points

I do prefer Ron Paul to Obama, but overall I would say Mike Gravel beats all.

Side: Ron Paul
heelspider(109) Disputed
0 points

What is not to like? I'll bite.

-Paul's version of "limit government power" means preventing the Federal government to do anything at all, including crucial roles such as insuring our medications are safe and effective and protecting the environment. Meanwhile, he wants to greatly EXPAND state governmental power, so the whole thing is a wash.

-Nobody likes the IRS, because the tax collector is never popular. But most people realize they are necessary. The income tax is far more equitable than sales taxes, which unbarely burden the poor and barely affect the rich. Progressive taxes should be the LAST tax to go, not the first.

- Obama too wants out of Iraq. Do you realize how much power America holds by having military bases around the world? Why on Earth should American want to voluntarily rid themselves of power?

- I've never understood why a Libertarian could possibly support the Gold Standard. Libertarians want even the most crucial government roles handled by private enterprise, yet they are upset that they can't buy gold directly from the government? I thought Libertarians were about freedom. Under the current system, if you think gold will do better than the dollar you are free to invest in gold. Why enact a system where everybody is essentially FORCED to invest in gold?

It scares the crap out of me that Paul supporters think he will bring back a respect for the Constitution, but meanwhile all of his platform is things only Congress can constitutionally accomplish.

Side: Obama

Ron Paul is more intellectually honest, and understand the economy and foreign policy better than anyone who ran this year.

Side: Ron Paul
1 point

Unlike Obama, Paul is not one of the party cronies. He stands on principle and doesn't compromise just to get votes. That's why the establishment hates him.

Side: Ron Paul