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 Why INDIA is an developing country?? (6)

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athresh(6) pic

Why INDIA is an developing country??

From past theINDIA is developing country.. where has chaina  is a developed nation.. INDIA got independence in 1947 but where as china got independence in 1949..


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Independence has very little to do with the term developing and developed countries.

To be honest I didn't know China was a developed country, but if it is it has got to be because of China's wealth. However, I wouldn't say China was a developed country, since this wealth is in the hands of very few people, while the vaste majority of China lives in poverty, more or less.

Faroe Islands is not an independent country, yet they are consider developed. So that proves it has got nothing to do with independence.

DevinSeay(1120) Clarified
0 points

The whole, "developing and developed" country crap is BS anyway. I would consider China as a developed country as most of their citizens are in good living conditions. Hell, if China is "developing" they make the 1920's US look like... well... North Korea.

Paradox44(736) Disputed
0 points

I disagree. Notice the second word in the phrase "developing country". The US has a well regulated country, and I mean this as a whole. A portion of China is technologically advanced, but the entire country isn't at all. I believe China's GDP per capita is 93th. With is very low. I do personally believe that China should be defined as a developed country especially since it is a powerful economic power in the world. It has many reserves as well. Also Hong Kong is in the top ten (listed separately since that is the capital of economic power in China). So it's not all BS.